“Fannish Enthusiasm” at Strange Horizons
The second Dice and D-Pads column, “Fannish Enthusiasm,” in which I talk about Portal 2 even though I haven’t played it yet, is available to read at Strange Horizons now!
The second Dice and D-Pads column, “Fannish Enthusiasm,” in which I talk about Portal 2 even though I haven’t played it yet, is available to read at Strange Horizons now!
I have an article up at Strange Horizons, the first of a new column. Click through to read “Tangled Up in Tie-Ins.”
My latest article for Fantasy Magazine, “Quest for Adventure Games,” is online now. My previous articles for the Gamer+Girl column are “How to Get Your Girlfriend into Gaming,” and “Boobs in the Tubes.”
After running into multiple issues with the software that I used to use to run my site, I’ve switched over to WordPress and am starting with a clean slate, content-wise. It’ll take some time (when does it ever not?) to get things sorted out over here, but hopefully the new site design will be easier for everyone to navigate around.
So far, I’ve got the “About Robyn” page set up, and the “Publications” page has a strong start. You can check both of them out using the navigation bar up top.